
Color: Purple Element: Wood Shape: Rectangular This is the Gua to focus on when you are looking to manifest: Making more money with your business Getting a raise Increasing wealth in all areas of your life & having the finances to do what you love to do (for me, it’s travel) Finding inner peace with what you have in life So, what works in this area? Purple, red or green...
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How to Manifest with the Family Gua Color: Green Element: Wood Shape: Rectangle This is the area you want to focus on when you want to manifest: Building a strong family foundation. Feeling more secure in all areas of your life. Amazing family relationships. Emotional balance for yourself and the members of the household. Better physical and mental health. Making better choices and decisions in your life. Covering your bills...
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Color: Blue Element: Earth Shape: Square This area deepens personal growth, so this is a great area for an office or meditation space. This is the area you want to look at if you are wanting to manifest: Learning something new. Making better decisions. Making better grades. Attracting opportunities to yourself and those who live in the space with you. Some people always want me to go straight to Wealth,...
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Color: Black, dark blue Element: Water Shape: Freeform This is the area you want to focus on if you are looking to manifest: Getting a job Making more money Figuring out what you want to do Enjoying your work Is the area clean and clutter free? You don’t want obstacles in your career. Does the front door work? Do you use it? Is it blocked? That could equate to you...
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Set your self up for Success The Career Gua usually lines up with the front door, which means we have to talk about the front door for a moment before we go inside. The front door is the mouth of chi, the way energy comes into your home. You want to make sure that you are setting yourself up for success in all areas. This is where manifesting truly starts....
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