
Exciting news! I received a Book Excellence Award!

I am incredibly excited to announce that I have been recognized as a Book Excellence Award Finalist for my book, I Just Can’t Make This Sh!t Up.
Out of thousands of books that were entered into the Book Excellence Awards competition, my book was selected for its high quality writing, design and overall market appeal.
The book was released in 2022 and I experience true inner joy when I see the impact of my recommendations or interior design project, on the life of my clients.  My aim is to enhance far more than the appearance of their home or office, but to improve their well being and lifestyle in a way they had not imagined.

You can get a copy for yourself at Buy A Book .

Whether you’re looking for a bit of inspiration to kickstart your own journey of self-discovery, or simply a cozy read to keep you company, ‘I Just Can’t Make This Sh!t Up’does not disappoint!

Sydney Blackburn

After 15 years designing the interiors of beautiful homes and offices, Alejandra found herself missing something, so five years ago, while recovering from an unexpected cervical fusion, she took a break from her design business to focus on her most important client – herself. Her mental, emotional and physical interior needed a reboot, and she found that in Feng Shui.

Once she began to implement Feng Shui principles to her own home and saw the drastic changes those adjustments were having on the energy in her space, Alejandra chose to become a certified practitioner. Delving into Feng Shui unlocked a new world for Alejandra and this book is about her journey.

Her commitment and dedication to following her intuition, which would ultimately lead her in a completely new life direction, was inspirational.


Changing the energy in her home opened the door to other spiritual modalities. She began meditating and that led to a spiritual message for her to write a book. The book was to be about her journey of self discovery, so she could help others on their spiritual journey as well. This was to be her life’s purpose.

As I laid on my hammock connecting with Mother Earth – I also felt very connected to Alejandra. I felt like she was talking to me and inviting me to learn her story. I myself could connect with this book and was so grateful to see someone honestly put their life out there…I am now as well intrigued to learn more on Feng Shui. What a fun – inspiring read, I truly enjoyed!!

Bobbie Kowalski

Join Alejandra as she navigates and comes to an understanding of her true purpose in life and allow the messages meant for you to flow to you through her words.

I enjoyed the author’s voice. The book is written like you’re catching up with a friend at lunch. The largest takeaway I received from this book is to know what you want and don’t be afraid to ask for it if it fits your greatest good. I’ve done a lot of goal setting and prioritizing because of what I read here.

Christina Metcalf