I was fortunate to spend several days at MIRAVAL last week.
I attended several classes on Mindfulness, since it is at the core of Miraval’s philosophy.
I thought I would share some of what I learned in my Mindfulness at MIRAVAL class.
So, what is Mindfulness?
“Mindfulness is the simple practice of bringing awareness & acceptance to our moment-to-moment experience. This type of awareness is a holistic experience rather than a mental evaluation. Holistic awareness engages body, senses, emotions, thoughts, and feelings, and a sense of their interrelationships.” (MIRAVAL)
“Acceptance implies openness and receptivity to ourselves and the moment as it unfolds. By cultivating awareness and acceptance we strengthen our ability to be fully present and responsive to both the pleasant and the difficult circumstances in life.” (MIRAVAL)
I love how mindfulness goes hand in hand with Feng Shui. We are always striving to INTENTIONALLY create an environment which supports our entire being, so adding a Mindfulness practice which engages our body, senses, emotions and thoughts ties in beautifully.