In order to move forward, we MUST release what no longer serves us.
Here is what I have chosen to release:
I choose to release all who no longer serve me or who make me feel less than for sharing who I really am.
I choose to release them to their highest and greatest good. I ask that they easefully and gracefully be removed from my life.
I choose to send love to people I find difficult.
I choose to release negativity and instead show compassion and understanding since everyone is walking in and through their own journey.
I choose to be open to opportunities even if timing seems tough.
I choose to let go of old patterns, resentments, envy and bathe myself in gratitude for all of the blessings God/Universe has bestowed on me.
I release to receive so that I may continue my true mission here on this planet at this time.
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
And so it is. I choose love.
What do you choose to release in order to move forward? Please share!