Go Smudge Yourself!

Did you know you could smudge yourself? After all, what is closer to you than you? And as I have said before, what is closest to you has the most impact.

Here is how to do it.

1ST pass: CLEANSE.

Set your intention. One of my favorite intentions is: RESTORE – ENLIGHTEN -UPLIFT.

Start at the top of your head and go down one side of your body. Go under your arm & down your legs. Lift your foot up and then go up the other side of your leg and down again. Repeat lifting your other foot and up the other side of your leg. Follow all the way up and around your arm and complete the circle at the top of your head.


Set your intention. My go to is “May all that comes through me be only and always of light & love & in my highest and greatest good.”

Smudge in a horizontal circle around your body.

It is important to do both steps. I learned from one of my favorite teachers, Kristin Reece, http://kristinreece.com, that old patterns can return if you only cleanse. The goal is to release and then restore & receive.

Happy smudging! I would love to hear of your experience! I have a video on Instagram if you want to see how to do it. @alejandragbradylifestyled.

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