Water has been on my mind for a few days now. I ended up severely dehydrated in Santa Fe even though I drink out of a reusable LARQ water bottle all day long!

Having lived in a tropical environment very near an ocean for over 30 years, I took water for granted.

Since moving to the desert, I view water very differently. I see how vital water is to all life on this planet.

Water is also vital in Feng Shui.

Clean flowing water represents prosperity and abundance in Feng Shui.

Make sure your water is flowing:-

• Into your body, because what is closest to you affects you most.

• Into your home by adding a water feature by your front entry.

• Into your Wealth Gua to attract prosperity. You can add a water feature here as well.

Don’t forget to:

• Fix leaks so as not to “drain” essential water from your space.

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