
self love
I must admit, I am pretty new to the world of drumming. The first time I had someone drum over me was at Miraval. I could literally feel stagnant energy breaking up inside my body.It was an incredible experience and one I started to crave! As I continued to work with other very experienced healers,...
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So this is me, at 53. Seven years in a back brace, three spinal surgeries, weeks in a neck brace.I am sharing this because since I was a little girl, I was told all the physical things I couldn’t or shouldn’t do. I was in a back brace, so my parents were a bit justified...
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I don’t know about you, but not much makes me happier than fresh flowers on my nightstand & in my kitchen.Fresh flowers are a very powerful Feng Shui cure. They can be used to bring new, vibrant energy into a space or they can be used to invite in soothing and healing energy.Purples, reds, oranges,...
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I had a wonderful conversation with a friend over a glass of wine last night and the topic of boundaries came up.We have both had to set very clear boundaries with family members and people who expected us to dim our light.I was reminded of the Yucca plant story my teacher Anahata told us about...
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I am always chatting about ways to Feng Shui your bedroom to help encourage a good night’s sleep. I love to incorporate crystals as a way to do this.I have always been a very light sleeper, so one of my go to crystals to help me sleep though the night is Selenite. I keep a...
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Again, from a Feng Shui point of view, what is closest to us affects us the most. The quality of the food we eat is inextricably linked to the quality of our health and well being. It really is that simple. We get out of our bodies what we put in them.I changed the way...
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As Summer arrives, the world reopens and we all start traveling again, I thought now i would be the perfect time to do a quick post on what crystals are best for travel.As a side note, I love to travel with either Palo Santo or Smudge spray. You can use these sprays to clear the...
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We have been discussing, what you put on your skin and clean your home with all impact how you feel and how you live.My reset invitation today is more of an internal vs. external one. It is an invitation to notice what you consume mentally. The television shows and movies you watch, the news, books,...
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You know I love my crystals and I just got the best book, Crystals 365 by Heather Askinosie! @energymuseAs I read through the book and learn about crystals that I feel work really well with Feng Shui cures & adjustments, I will share them!Today, I am going to chat about Pyrite. Pyrite is known for...
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My intention for every home is for the home to be a healthy home in every aspect possible.As an Interior Designer, I know the beauty live plants provide in an environment.As a Feng Shui consultant, I know that the plant’s beauty is just the beginning of the story.In Feng Shui, live plants invite the vibrant,...
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