I am always talking about the importance of decluttering in Feng Shui.

Here are some ideas for spring cleaning and decluttering in some of the main areas of your home.

I find breaking tasks into specific rooms helps me do a better job and makes the project more manageable.


• Go through your personal care products & makeup- remove expired and toxic ones and replace with better options.

• Replace mismatched towels with same color – great time to switch to organic or bamboo towels.

• Do you really need 3 hairdryers? Go through electronics and keep only what you need. Toss anything broken.

• Medicine drawer/cabinet – toss anything expired.

• Cleaning products – toss out toxic & replace with non-toxic options

Take a look at the decor – does your bathroom make you feel like you are in a spa? Is it tranquil?

If the answer is no, add fresh flowers, bath salts, declutter countertops.

Happy Spring Cleaning!

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