
I had a wonderful conversation with a friend over a glass of wine last night and the topic of boundaries came up.We have both had to set very clear boundaries with family members and people who expected us to dim our light.I was reminded of the Yucca plant story my teacher Anahata told us about...
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I am always chatting about ways to Feng Shui your bedroom to help encourage a good night’s sleep. I love to incorporate crystals as a way to do this.I have always been a very light sleeper, so one of my go to crystals to help me sleep though the night is Selenite. I keep a...
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As Summer arrives, the world reopens and we all start traveling again, I thought now i would be the perfect time to do a quick post on what crystals are best for travel.As a side note, I love to travel with either Palo Santo or Smudge spray. You can use these sprays to clear the...
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We have been discussing, what you put on your skin and clean your home with all impact how you feel and how you live.My reset invitation today is more of an internal vs. external one. It is an invitation to notice what you consume mentally. The television shows and movies you watch, the news, books,...
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My intention for every home is for the home to be a healthy home in every aspect possible.As an Interior Designer, I know the beauty live plants provide in an environment.As a Feng Shui consultant, I know that the plant’s beauty is just the beginning of the story.In Feng Shui, live plants invite the vibrant,...
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Crown Chakra ?• amethyst, clear quartz, clear calcite, opal, selenite, lepidolite, diamondThird Eye Chakra ?• amethyst, blue quartz, clear quartz , lapis lazuli, moldavite, sodaliteThroat Chakra ?• turquoise, lapis lazuli, aquamarine, blue topaz, azurite, blue opalHeart Chakra ?• emerald, jade, aventurine, moss agate, malachite, chrysocollaSolar Plexus Chakra ?• citrine, tiger’s eye, lemon quartz, orange calcite,...
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Tiger’s EyeSince it is Gemini season, it seemed appropriate to highlight a crystal associated with it.Tiger’s eye is one of my favorite stones to work with. It is known as “the all-seeing eye.”“The Tiger’s Eye crystal properties encourage you to live boldly, fiercely and barely in all aspect of your life. When you are looking...
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There is a Feng Shui cure for stagnant energy that involves moving 27 things around in your home.Sometimes it is hard to find 27 things, so here are some quick ideas that can count as multiple items. BONUS: most of these will also count towards Decluttering – 2 for 1!!!1. Rotate your coffee mugs (I...
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“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.” Eckart TolleIn Feng Shui, clients usually ask to work on enhancements for the Wealth Area (back left hand corner) of a home or a space.Most of us equate wealth with prosperity, but I encourage you to use your Feng...
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9 ways to invite Abundance & Good Qi into your home today Yesterday’s post on figuring out your House # generated great conversation, so I want to follow up with some more Feng Shui tips to help you invite good Qi , abundance & prosperity into your home.Front door- I talk about it ALL the...
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