I am always talking about the importance of decluttering in Feng Shui.
In the next few days, I will share some ideas for spring cleaning and decluttering in some of the main areas of your home.
I find breaking tasks into specific rooms helps me do a better job and makes the project more manageable.
• go though your pots & pans – remove, replace any broken items
• Gadgets and small utensils – we all have more than we need, go through them and keep only what you REALLY use
• Junk drawer – check to make sure scissors are sharp, pens have ink, lighters work…you get the point.
• Refrigerator & Freezer – great time to go through all condiments – take everything out, wipe it down and put back only the items that are fresh and still good
• Remove all mismatched Tupperware
• Cutlery – remove, replace any mismatched items
• Pantry – remove & replace old containers & expired spices & dry goods
• Under your sink – replace sponges and toxic cleaning supplies
This is a perfect time to replace old, expired and toxic products with better options. I have a an earlier post on non -toxic cleaning products for reference.
Happy Kitchen Spring Cleaning!!!
Save this post for future reference!