
In this episode, Madi invites best selling author, Feng Shui practitioner, and interior and biophilic designer, Alejandra Brady, to join her to chat about all things feng shui. You’ll learn how to give your home the best possible energy flow, and some simple mistakes you might be making that will make a huge difference in...
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In this episode, we’ll delve deep into the world of Feng Shui, unraveling its core concepts like the Bagua and understanding how the energy of your space profoundly influences your life. My special guest is Alejandra Brady, who is an expert when it comes to the topic of Feng Shui; she is also the author...
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“Enough of the world is out there fighting you. You have to have a haven, you can’t come into a space that is fighting you as well.” – Alejandra Brady I’ve always believed that the physical spaces we live in influence our inner spades, how we feel in our lives, and what we think we’re...
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In this episode feng shui expert and author Alejandra Brady shares her journey from interior design to opening up the spiritual floodgates through a feng shui practice. She shares stories of significant windfalls of money and good fortune– that are also possible for you– through simple feng shui methods! You can learn more about Alejandra,...
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I first met Alejandra when I interviewed her on another podcast I used to host called “Being Home With Hunker.” We immediately connected and I knew that once I launched Hold the Light I wanted to talk with her again. However this time, I wanted to give more focus to the spiritual aspects of Alejandra’s...
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In this episode I am speaking with Alejandra Brady who is an interior designer and feng shui expert. Alejandra speaks about how you can use feng shui to change the energy in your room and make your space the best it can be. Connect with Alejandra here: Connect with Alejndra on IG here: @alejandragbradylifestyled...
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Alejandra Brady is a feng shui expert, biophilic designer, and interior designer. She shares tips on how to use these three modalities in our homes to amplify the energy in our lives. Want more support in your career or finances? Listen to this conversation!
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After 15 years designing the interiors of beautiful homes and offices, Alejandra found herself missing something. She took a break from her work and focused on her most important client – herself. Her actual interior needed a reboot. She found that in Feng Shui. Working with and studying under a Feng Shui master practitioner helped...
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Our home is the foundation of everything. We might start to feel stagnant in other areas of our life if the energy in our home is out of balance. That’s why Feng Shui can be your ticket to transformation and freedom. In this episode I chatted with interior designer, author and Feng Shui practitioner, Alejandra...
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In this episode of the Unstoppable Confidence Podcast, you will hear Alejandra Brady, Interior Designer, Feng Shui Expert, and Entrepreneur, dive into using Feng Shui to allow energy to flow freely in your home and life. Alejandra shares insight and tips on Feng Shui, as well as her incredible story of connecting with herself through...
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