
energetic body
Journal prompt: Look around your immediate surroundings. What are you most grateful for in this moment? Be as specific as you can as you reflect on your answer. (From the book A Year of Gratitude by Joree Rose)
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Can you feel the energy in this photo? The bright colors, the upward movement all lead to incredible yang energy. If you need more energy, consider adding bold, bright colors to your wardrobe or use happy colors for throw pillows or accessories in your home. Bright flowers are another way to bring in yang energy...
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So this is me, at 53. Seven years in a back brace, three spinal surgeries, weeks in a neck brace. I am sharing this because since I was a little girl, I was told all the physical things I couldn’t or shouldn’t do. I was in a back brace, so my parents were a bit...
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I had a wonderful conversation with a friend over a glass of wine last night and the topic of boundaries came up. We have both had to set very clear boundaries with family members and people who expected us to dim our light. I was reminded of the Yucca plant story my teacher Anahata told...
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Beautiful clear white or colorless Clear Quartz is considered the “Master Healer” because this stone is said to amplify energy by absorbing, releasing and regulating the energy around it. As a Feng Shui enhancement, use Clear quartz in your: • Career Gua to remove negativity as people enter your home • All Guas to enhance...
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Journaling prompts to Help you get started… Still staring at an empty page in your journal? Here are some journal prompts I’ve used which have helped me: • Describe a happy memory that brings you back to your childhood. • Who inspires you today? • What is your intention when you awaken your gifts? •...
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Do what lights YOU up! Remember your interior living space is as important as your exterior one. Your soul lives in your body, the way you live in your home. Make sure to keep both in tip top shape! Make your soul’s home beautiful by doing what lights you up! I personally love plants &...
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The art of Feng Shui is an amazing tool that can help you in so many areas of your physical life. It can also help balance areas of your energetic life. The first chakra, the Root Chakra, represents stability and the strong foundation on which all other chakras (your energetic body) rest on. It is...
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