
May 4, 2021
Feng Shui tip of the day! Your home is a family member too! Take care of her needs so she can take care of you! Keep her clean: pressure wash, clean the windows and wipe down the doors. Keep her fed: make sure repairs are up to date, (no leaks to drain her energy), maintain...
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Feng Shui tip of the day! ? Did you know you could Feng Shui your wardrobe? Yes, you can! Wear green when you want to attract money. Green is the color of money, of new growth and is the color for the Family Gua. So, add a little green when you are getting ready to...
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Feng shui tip of the day! If your front door and back door are in direct line with each other, place a large plant near the back door. Chi can rush directly through your home, taking your money with it, so the plant provides a place for the chi to linger and therefore keeps your...
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