I had not journaled since high school, when I kept a diary with the names of the boys I had kissed. Since I was in a back brace for twenty three hours a day from the ages of 11-17, I can promise you that list was not very impressive!

My Feng Shui teacher encouraged me to start journaling as part of my training. Journaling was awkward at the beginning. I would sit and look at the paper and have no clue what to write.

Then, slowly, I started to write whatever popped into my head. Some days, I had multiple pages going and other days, perhaps a sentence or two. One day I actually wrote, “I have absolutely nothing to say today!”

I wrote down dreams that stood out to me, notes from sessions with healers and any other random musings that came to my head.

Much of what I wrote is now going to be part of my book, so you never know where your journaling could lead you!

I encourage you to give journaling a try. Don’t think too much. Just allow whatever wants to flow out of you to do so.

Buy a beautiful journal and a special pen. If that doesn’t appeal to you, use the Notes app on your computer. Do what feels right to you.

My favorite time to journal is right after meditation. My mind is in a calm and receptive state and I find more creativity flows through me that way.

I invite you to try. If you already journal, please share any tips & tricks you have so we can all benefit!

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