I received a question from an Instagram follower @giftofyoga the other day which is the inspiration for today’s post.

Q: “Hi! I’m new to this so I’m wondering why are Feng Shui bathroom ideas/suggestions to hard to find?”

A: Bathrooms can create all sorts of angst for clients. The owner of the Pilate’s studio I am going to while here in Santa Fe found out I was a Certified Feng Shui practitioner. He walked me right to the upper left hand corner of his studio and pointed to the closed door.

He had a bathroom in the wealth corner. While this is not ideal, these are some of the cures I shared to help him counteract the “draining” chi in his prosperity area.

• Keep the toilet seat down. ALWAYS.

• If you have a shower curtain, close it as well.

• Repair any leaking faucets or drains.

• Add plants. They are a great way to counteract “draining” chi as they represent Wood, and wood absorbs water.

• If you cannot add real plants, add artwork with “upwards” energy – trees, plants, flowers that are reaching for the sky.

• Baskets and other natural fiber items also work as Wood elements.

• Bring in organic towels & non toxic products.

• Avoid items with very curved lines. Water is already represented by undulating forms, so items with these forms will add more “Water.”

• Add good lighting.

• Keep the bathroom door closed.

• Add a candle.

Again, I always feel the best approach is my Elements in Balance approach where the goal is to creat balance between all 5 elements. Since a bathroom is already heavy on Water and Metal (faucets, drains), focus on bringing in Wood, Earth & Fire!

If you have any questions you would like me to answer, please feel free to reach out!

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