Palo Santo stick

You all know by now I love to use sage to smudge and clear energy in a space. Did you know I also love to use Palo Santo?

What is Palo Santo? It is wood from the Palo Santo tree, which literally translates into Holy Wood. It is native to Peru, Brazil, Ecuador and Bolivia.

It is a tree known it’s healing qualities. It was and is used by many healers and Shamans. It is also said to bring prosperity to those who use it.

What are the benefits of Palo Santo? It has the ability to clear the mind. I like to use it when I am tired or feeling groggy and need to concentrate. I personally absolutely love it’s unmistakable smell.

It is also known for space clearing and enhancing creativity.

How do you use Palo Santo? I like to light it with a match or directly from a candle I may have burning nearby. I set my intention to clear any lower vibrations, help me concentrate, etc… and then blow out the burning wood and allow the smoke to waft over me. It sometimes takes a moment for the wood to catch fire. Palo Santo does not stay lit long, but the smell will linger for a while. I relight it if I want more smoke.

I invite you to add Palo Santo to your energy clearing kit today! It is readily available online and at most crystal and metaphysical shops. It has become so popular I have even seen it at Whole Foods!

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